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Monday, November 4, 2019

Week 11: Email Marketing

Email Marketing

After reading about Email marketing and this really can help your business. I think for my business, Katharyn's Kollections we would do a monthly newsletter, letting customers know what's going on with us through out the current month. Additionally, with the newsletter, posting new posts at least 3 - 4 times a week, reminding our customers of our daily or weekly deals that were posted in our newsletter but since the newsletter will only be posted once a month this will help bring in new and old customers. We would use a social platform to send out our newsletter, which would be on posted on all platforms and emailed. By using an online platform for the newsletter, customers can easy access at anytime as well as subscribe to them for each month. 

What's in the Newsletter? 

For my business, Katharyn's Kollections we are going to put in new information about our company, new products, monthly deals, upcoming deals to get ready for and not to forget about, and building our relationships with our customers at our upcoming events! I think coming up with trending topics as fashion and jewelry, also new products with people wearing the pieces and their own reviews would attract my target audience of all trendy women who enjoy jewelry.

Content Ideas: 
Fashion for each season 
Showcasing new products
Trending items
Real reviews by customers 
What you can pair the jewelry with  
How the company is ran 
Building subscribers - adding new upcoming topics 

1 comment:

  1. I love your idea of “Fashion for each season” and “What you can pair the jewelry with”. I also like the idea of including real reviews by customers in your newsletter. All of these add value to your newsletter, which will help you grow your business.
