UA-151094126-1 Katharyn's Kollections

Friday, August 23, 2019

Katchin' Up With Kate

Welcome to Katchin' Up With Kate! 

Hi! I am Katie Saxe, this is my first time writing a blog ever and super excited to start blogging! Currently I am in my last semester of college and I am so excited to start my career. I am taking this class to further my knowledge with using social media because I want to have career in E-commerce which is buying and selling products online. 

It was a little hard to figure out what template to use but I really enjoyed the colorful template which I felt resembles me to a T! I enjoy the colors used in the template and the little birds were so cute... I could not resist. Also, the humming bird resembles good luck in general and I thought having the humming bird on my blog, people visiting my blog could also have good luck too! 

This past summer I went on a vacation with my best friend to Steam Boat, Colorado, there we hiked up Haans Peak and camped in the cabins there. Every morning when we would go down to the main cabin where we would have coffee and breakfast, outside they had humming bird feeders and at least 100 humming birds would visit by there every day! This template reminded me of those good memories, so I was bound to pick this template!

The font color of the heading I thought was very attractive to the eye, when someone comes to visit the blog the colors would make them stay because of the warm color choice. The colors of the template are part of the warm section of the color wheel which makes people feel warm and invited to stay. 


  1. I commented on Sasha Rhodes, Anthony Pagatpatan and Isabel Figueroa

  2. The bright colors definitely give the blog a happy and positive vibe. It is also very easy to navigate.

  3. The name of your blog is catchy and creative. It made me want to read more! I really like the color pallet you selected. It looks crisp, clean, and uncluttered. Great job!
